The first change is replace the set with Scala's priority queue:
val unvisited=new PriorityQueue[Node]()
But as it is, it will not compile: the priority queue's signature is
view$1 : (A) => Ordered[A])
You need to provide an implicit conversion from the parameter type A to the type Ordered[A]. But nothing to worry about: is as easy as
implicit def node2ordered(n: Node): Ordered[Node] = new Ordered[Node] {
//reverse the comparation so highest priority = lower cost
def compare(y: Node): Int = -(
Look at the improveDistance function, it does two things: filters the nodes and updates the distance if we can improve it. I think is better if we split into two different functions, separating the filtering from the updating, so instead of:
def improveDistance(a:Edge) ={
if (a.from.weight+a.weight< {
we get:
def canImprove(a:Edge)=(a.from.weight+a.weight<
def improveDistance(a:Edge) ={
Then, instead of a function map over the nodeEdges, we have to filter and then map:
is replaced by
that gives a better picture of the steps involved.
As we need to add the updated nodes to the priority queue so they can “float” to the top, the line would look like:
unvisited++ (vertx.nodeEdges.filter(canImprove(_))).map(improveDistance(_))
But I don't really think the explicit use of map and filter helps readability.
Enter Scala's for comprehensions: we can replace the map/filter with a comprehension:
for (v <- vertx.nodeEdges if canImprove(v)){
Nothing fantastic, but an improvement, isn't it?
For future posts, I'm planning on generalizing the algorithm into a A* pathfinding with different heuristic functions... stay tuned!
Great series so far. I'm looking forward to A* - it's a fun one. BTW, in your view bound on Ordered you can solve the problem with an implicit conversion as you have, or you can do it with "Node extends Ordered[Node]". Either works with view bounds. The advantage of implicits is that they're flexible; you can add them later as needed. The advantage to direct extension is performance; there's no need to run the conversion routine, with the extra object creation it implies, every time you add a Node.
Glad you like it... I enjoy your posts too :)
I was sure that there was some way to use the queue without the implicit conversion, but after fumbling a little I couldn't do it.
My rationalization to use the implicit was: I have to reverse the order of the comparation but I don't want to always have "more weight < less weight".
Anyway I found that works if I do:
trait Weight extends Ordered[Node]{
var weight= Float.PositiveInfinity
def compare(y: Node): Int
and makes sense: once you have weight you can compare.
BTW, where you would define "Node extends Ordered[Node]"?
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